Our Town Theatre Group
It is with great regret that we must inform you that we have to postpone our production of The Odd Couple
(Female Version). Concerns for the health of our audience, cast and crew and state regulations severely limiting size of the audience are the main reasons for our decision. We make this decision out of a great abundance of caution, but we use the word “postpone” because we intend to produce this play when circumstances permit.
Please continue to watch our Facebook page and website for announcements.
Dennis Wilson, President, OTTG
Next Event
March 20-22
The Odd Couple
(Female Version)
Written by Neil Simon
Directed by Mary Anne Gruen
Neil Simon’s revision of his hugely successful play, The Odd Couple, sees the lead characters transformed into Olive Madison and Florence Unger. Olive and their group of girlfriends are enjoying their weekly Trivial Pursuit night in Olive’s messy and ill-equipped apartment. As the game continues, Florence arrives, fresh from being dumped by her husband. Fearful that the neurotic Florence might attempt suicide, Olive invites her to move in as her roommate. However, Olive and Florence have VERY different personalities. Where Olive is messy, untidy, and unconcerned about the state of her apartment, Florence is obsessively clean, tidy, and obsessed with hygiene. Olive’s easy-going outlook on life soon clashes with Florence’s highly-strung neurotic tendencies, testing their friendship to the limit. When Olive organizes a double-date with the Costazuela brothers, their differences come to a head and sparks fly.
March 20 at 7:30 pm
March 21 at 7:30 pm
March 22 at 1:00 pm
Tannery Pond Community Center
228 Main Street
Downtown North Creek, NY
Show Sponsors
Our 2020
OTTG Main Stage Production
March 20th 7:30 pm
March 21st 7:30 pm
March 22nd 1:00 pm
The Odd Couple
(Female Version)

OTTG Acting Workshops
Students 6 - 12
Adults 18 to Forever
Dates Coming
Seagle Musical Colony
There’s No Business
Like Show Business:
September 19th 7:30 pm
A revue of the songs of composer Irving Berlin
The Wonderful Seagle Colony Brings the songs of Irving Berlin to our Stage
OTTG Main Stage Production
Oct 23rd 7:30 pm
Oct 24th 7:30 pm
Oct 25th 1:00 pm